Braze 541 is an intermediate temperature silver brazing alloy with a rather long, 235EF (130EC) melting range. It has a tendency to liquate (i.e. separate into low and high melting constituents) if heated slowly through its melting range. Therefore, it is preferable to use this alloy where the assembly can be heated rapidly to brazing temperature. The long melting range of this alloy is useful when wide gap joints are hand fed since semi-fluid alloys can be worked across the gaps. Applications:Braze 541 is employed in numerous furnace brazing situations because of its low zinc content. The U.S. Air Force specifies it for many jet engine sub-assemblies. It is used for making joints that are subjected to elevated temperatures, ranging up to 700EF (370EC), particularly on stainless steel. Specifications: This alloy conforms to the following specifications-AWS A5.8 BAg-13, ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Sec. II C SFA-5.8 BAg-13, SAE AMS 4772 Information provided by Lucas-Milhaupt, Inc. |