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Useful Web Links for the Materials Industry

[Academic Sites]  [Commercial Sites]  [Materials Resources]  [MSDS Sites]
[National Laboratories]  [Professional Societies


Automation Creations, Inc.:  MatWeb was spun off from ACI in 2011. Our former parent company specializes in web site design and hosting, E-commerce solutions, and database consultation.

SolidWorks Corporation, a Dassault Systèmes S.A. (Nasdaq: DASTY, Euronext Paris: #13065, DSY.PA) company, develops and markets software for mechanical design, analysis, and product data management. It is the #1 supplier of 3D mechanical design software for the mainstream market. SolidWorks leads the market in number of users in production, customer satisfaction, and revenue. For the latest news, information, or a live online demonstration, visit the company's Web site ( or call 1-800-693-9000 (outside of North America , call +1-978-371-5000).

Academic Sites:


Cranfield University - Centre for Materials Science: Conduct research into military metallurgy and photo-voltaic, biomedical and adaptive materials.

Georgia Tech-Materials Science & Engineering Research: Provides ceramic coatings, composites, corrosion, high performance materials, and electronic assemblies reliability information.

Science Cataloging Internet Resources:  Contains current awareness Internet resources to aid science catalogers in keeping up to date with science news and research, science and technology librarianship, and current Internet resources in science and technology.

Stanford University's Materials Science and Engineering Department:  Contains materials related research at Stanford, faculty listings, a discussion forum, job listings, and an extensive list of Internet information resources.

WebElements: An online Periodic Table of elements.

Commercial Sites:


Sumitomo Bakelite North America, Inc.: Phenolic Molding Composites

Online Metals:  Online small quantity sales of stainless, aluminum, brass, copper, and pipe valves and fittings.

Quadrant Engineering Plastic Products: North America's leading manufacturer of plastic stock shapes for machining. Try out their Product Locator - powered by the MatWeb search engine!

San Diego Plastics:  Provides a plastic materials guide, properties of plastics and many links to other related plastics sites.

Materials Resource Sites:

[Top] - Composites Materials Guide: The Composite Materials Guide provides categorized links to composites sites, original feature articles, a bulletin board, a chat room, daily news headlines, and job listings. - Metals Guide: The About Metals Guide is one of the most comprehensive online guide for the metal industry. It includes buyers guides, global supplier lists, metal prices, metal properties, specifications, cross references, e-commerce sites, software, conversion tools, industry news and more. Covers every metal from aluminum to zinc.

Advanced Materials, Manufacturing, and Testing Information Analysis Center (AMMTIAC):  Materials and processing products, technical inquiries, consulting, upcoming conferences, and library services.

CERAM Research: Internationally renowned centre of technical excellence for the ceramics and other materials-based industries.

Composite Materials Handbook: Provides engineering data and processing information necessary to design and fabricate polymer, metal, and ceramic matrix composites.

ISI Web of Knowledge: An ever-growing collection of high-quality, scholarly content.

The Document Center: Specifications, standards, and technical publications which can be ordered online and delivered to your door.

Internet Research Starting Points: A list of both technical and non-technical research starting points brought to you by the Purdue Online Writing Lab.

Materials Edge: Materials Edge is based in the United Kingdom and focuses on materials science & engineering technology transfer news, resources, information & recruitment.

The MEMS Clearinghouse: Provides services to the MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) community, and contains a repository of information, such as a database of MEMS material properties.

NetComposites: Composites news, education, information, careers, forums, and comprehensive composites online stores.

Minerals Engineering International Online: free access to current information on all aspects of mineral processing and extractive metallurgy.

Online Engineering Calculators: Interactive Calculators for everything from Acoustics to Welding

Optics 2001: Provides information on all aspects of optics - general principles, optical properties of materials, imaging processing, design techniques, etc.

Solaripedia: Solaripedia is an extensive database for green architecture, green building and green development using solar, wind, passive and other sustainable strategies. A non-profit, non-affiliated website intended to introduce beginners and non-technical people to the world of superconductors.

The Virtual Metallography Lab: Provides information about metallography as well as a good selection of resources for taking photomicrographs.

X-ray reflections:  Use this online calculator to determine x-ray specular reflections by multilayers with interface roughness.  Created by Sergey Stepanov at the Argonne National Laboratory.

MSDS Sites:


Interactive Learning Paradigms, Incorporated (ILPI): Specializes in web-based distance learning services as well as faculty web page sponsorship.  ILPI also provides Internet resources to locate Material Safety Data Sheets.

Vermont SIRI: Contains a wide variety of occupational and environmental safety and health information.

National Laboratories:


Aerospace Mechanical Systems Division at NASA's Langley Research Center: Provides information on NASA Langley's concurrent engineering process used in the development of aircraft, spacecraft and flight instruments, along with descriptions of environmental testing facilities.  Also hosts library of engineering related sites.

Energy Technology Division at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL): Provides recent ET publications and information on ET programs and sections, e.g. ceramics, corrosion, analytical thermal-hydraulics, alpha-gamma hot cell facility, etc.

Materials Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL): Download Science Bytes (selected publications in pdf format) and find information on special topics, facilities, and msd groups.

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-Physics Laboratory: Provides a material database containing physical constants, atomic spectroscopic data, x-ray and gamma data, nuclear physics data and other NIST data.

NIST Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division:  Research areas include: Characterization & Measurement, Electronics Materials, Biomaterials, Processing Characterization, and Multivariant Measurement Methods.

NASA Ames Research Center: Specializes in research geared toward creating new knowledge and new technologies that span the spectrum of NASA interests.

Professional Society Sites:


American Iron & Steel Institute - Steel Works: For news, steel links, statistics, markets and applications, as well as publications.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI): For membership, publications, search for standards, news, events, and standards resources.

American Society of Testing & Materials (ASTM): For membership, publications, search for standards, and a free laboratory directory.

ASM International

Association for Iron & Steel Technology: Education, training, publications, research, and electronic resources for the steel industry.

CANPLY Canadian Plywood Association: Representing manufacturers of plywood, veneer and veneer composite products in Canada..

Composite Fabricators Association (CFA): Provides membership, publications, meetings, seminars, technical services and links.

IAI - The International Aluminum Institute: Comprehensive information on the production and applications of aluminum, with links to all of their Member companies and regional aluminum associations.

MRS - Materials Research Society: Dedicated to goal-oriented basic and applied research on materials of technological importance.

SAMPE - Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering: Provides information and forms for membership, publications, conferences, and technical services, and links for reference information, officers, chapters, and the International Business Office.

The Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE): Provides information on membership, industry events, publications and links to plastic related sites.

The Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI): Promotes the continued development of the plastics industry and enhances the   public's understanding of plastics' contributions while meeting the needs of society.

TMS - The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society: Promotes the science and engineering professions concerned with minerals, metals and materials.

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