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Elmet Technologies

Elkem (Bluestar Silicones) BLUESIL™ RTV 3625 Hi-Pro Blue Silicone Rubber
Categories: Polymer; Thermoset; Silicone; Silicone Rubber

Material Notes: Description: BLUESIL™ RTV 3625 is a low viscosity, 25 Durometer (Shore A), two component, tin catalyzed, room temperature curing silicone elastomer. It is designed as a high strength elastomer with good cured rubber properties, long library life and accurate detail reproduction. BLUESIL™ RTV 3625 can be catalyzed with BLUESIL™ Hi-Pro Green or fast setting BLUESIL ™ Hi-Pro Blue.


  • Casting of polyester or polyurethane resins for figurine, giftware and decorative accessories
  • Architectural and furniture parts and accessories
  • Statuary and collectibles

Information provided by Bluestar Silicones

Vendors: No vendors are listed for this material. Please click here if you are a supplier and would like information on how to add your listing to this material.
Physical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Specific Gravity 1.10 g/cc1.10 g/cc
Viscosity 40000 cP40000 cPPart A, Base Component
 60000 cP60000 cPMixed
Linear Mold Shrinkage  0.0040 cm/cm
@Time 86400 sec
0.0040 in/in
@Time 24.0 hour
 0.0060 cm/cm
@Time 25200 sec
0.0060 in/in
@Time 7.00 hour
Storage Temperature 24.0 °C75.2 °F
Mechanical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Hardness, Shore A 2727ASTM D2240
Tensile Strength 4.27 MPa620 psiASTM D412
Elongation at Break 390 %390 %ASTM D412
Tear Strength 21.0 kN/m120 pliASTM D624, Die B
Thermal PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Maximum Service Temperature, Air 150 °C302 °F
Minimum Service Temperature, Air -50.0 °C-58.0 °F
Processing PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Cure Time 10100 min
@Temperature 24.0 °C
168 hour
@Temperature 75.2 °F
50% RH
Shelf Life 18.0 Month18.0 Month
Descriptive Properties
ColorWhitePart A, Base Component
Mix Ratio10:1A:B

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Users viewing this material also viewed the following:
Elkem (Bluestar Silicones) BLUESIL™ RTV 1556 B Fast Cure Silicone Rubber
Elkem (Bluestar Silicones) BLUESIL™ RTV 1556 B Silicone Rubber
Elkem (Bluestar Silicones) BLUESIL™ RTV 1597 Silicone Rubber
Elkem (Bluestar Silicones) BLUESIL™ RTV 3165 A&B Silicone Rubber

PBLUST057 / 191033

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