BYNEL® Series 5000 resins are anhydride-modified polypropylene resins. They are available in pellet form for use in conventional extrusion and coextrusion equipment designed to process polypropylene (PP) resins. Physical properties of BYNEL Series 5000 resins are typical of polypropylene resins with similar density and melt flow rates. BYNEL 5000 series resins adhere to a variety of materials. They are most often used to adhere to PP, EVOH and polyamide. These resins are designed for applications in which EVOH or polyamide is melt coextruded with PP or PP copolymers. BYNEL 50E806 can be utilized pure, or can also be blended into PP for creating adhesion to barrier resins such as polyamide or EVOH. BYNEL 50E806 resin conforms with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Paragraph 175.105, covering the use of adhesive interlayers in composite packages for food use. This regulation describes adhesives which may be safely used as components of articles intended for use in packaging, transporting or holding food. This regulation requires that either (1) the adhesive is separated from the food by a functional barrier, or (2) the quantity of adhesive which contacts fatty or aqueous foods does not exceed the trace amounts at the seams or edges. Customers should satisfy themselves that the food contact material is serving as a functional barrier to the adhesive. This former DuPont product line is now a Dow product line. |