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Email List of Plastic and Metal Industry Engineering Professionals

General Email List Rental:
Email marketing blasts to interested recipients are an effective way to push product information into the marketplace, announce conferences/meetings, or to elicit responses for your own mailing lists/promotional giveaways. The demographics and ability to micro-target recipients of email messages make it ideal for any company that needs to reach materials professionals - plastics, metal, or ceramic raw material manufacturers, distributors, fabricators, providers of software, instrumentation, or other services. We can creatively target the specific mailing list members who are the best prospects for your promotional message.

Learn more about other online advertising approaches to reach materials industry professionals.

Details of Email Targeting and Costs:

Only a small fraction of MatWeb's users actually register with us, enticed by access to more powerful search, compare, and export tools. In total, we have over 598,000 registered users, and over 432,000 have agreed to accept e-mails from us. (In contrast, we have over 25,000 unregistered users on the site EACH WEEKDAY). Our privacy policy prohibits us from selling the e-mail addresses, but we can send messages on behalf of advertisers. Our email list is large and constantly growing at the rate of more than 3500 new members per month. Each address is verified at the time of sign-up.

We do not bombard our email list members with excessive messages - each message stands out because we do not create fatigue with the recipients. An average list member receives fewer than 7 emails from us per year. Our ability to target specific users based on their materials interests or demographics minimizes their receipt of unwanted emails.

Our history connects MatWeb's users with the data sheets requested and searches performed on our web site, providing a definitive approach in determining users' interests. We also have basic demographic information such as their state/province/country and (often) their company name. Targeting emails based on our records ensures that your message reaches interested people cost-effectively. For example, we can send your message targeting only the 25,000 North Americans who have searched for or requested fluoropolymer data sheets. Please call us at (540) 552-5300 to discuss the best approach to reach research managers, engineers, scientists, designers, and fabricators worldwide.

You create and control the entire content of the email, as long as a professional tone is maintained. We support emails in either plain text or in html. You dictate the subject line, while the return address shows the email originated with MatWeb. Alternatively, you can sponsor an individual issue of MatWeb's periodic newsletter for a lower cost than dedicated emailings. We send these newsletters out occasionally (quarterly or less) to highlight new features or simply to remind registrants of our web site.

Please read our License Agreement regarding materials data and our Privacy Policy. Questions or comments about MatWeb? Please contact us at We appreciate your input.

The contents of this web site, the MatWeb logo, and "MatWeb" are Copyright 1996-2025 by MatWeb, LLC. MatWeb is intended for personal, non-commercial use. The contents, results, and technical data from this site may not be reproduced either electronically, photographically or substantively without permission from MatWeb, LLC.