Dryflex® thermoplastic elastomers combine the performance of most vulcanized rubber with the process properties of thermoplastics. Dryflex® compounds permit sophisticated component design and thus will support a wide and flexible range of products. Flame retardant compounds will extend the application areas where resistance to ignition and burning are important features, while their performance characteristics in processing and finished component operation are of the same standard a the Dryflex® general-purpose grades. The flame retardant compounds show an excellent resistance to a variety of polar fluids, such as water, aqueous systems and alcohols. However, in non-polar fluids, such as oil, resistance diminishes with increasing aromatic content. Weathering, including UV stability and ozone resistance is excellent. Conforms to the 750®C glow wire requirements of BS 1363. Processing: The flame retardant grades of Dryflex® can easily be processed using conventional thermoplastic equipment for injection molding as well as other fabricating methods. The thermoplastic characteristics result in faster processing times and complete scrap recycling. The flame retardant compounds do not require pre-drying prior to processing. Information from Vita Thermoplastic Polymers (VTP). Vita Thermoplastic Polymers was aquired by HEXPOL and is now ELASTO |