High temperature polyimide film with low coefficient of thermal expansion. NeXolve Novastrat® 800 is a high temperature polyimide film with low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), ~4 ppm/°C from -140 °C to +225 °C, that closely matches the CTE of many metals and metal oxides. Novastrat® 800 has been successfully used in applications requiring the stability of low CTE from cryogenic conditions (less than -150 °C, -238 °F) to very high temperatures (greater than 250 °C, 482 °F). Novastrat® 800 is a recommended grade for applications that require low CTE and stable properties across a wide range of operating temperatures. Novastrat® 800 is provided as a film in sheet form, or liquid resin for spray or flow casting operations. As a liquid, it bonds well to metals and metal oxides, and is supplied with and without a variety of internal adhesion promoters. Information Provided by NeXolve Corporation. |