Cerablok slabs are made from refractory and mineral fibres, natural refractory components and a small amount of organic binder. Thanks to the high fibre content, Cerablok are strong, lightweight and thermal shock resistant. All grades of Cerablok are water repellent throughout to prevent absorption of water or concrete binders. Thicknesses over 50mm are obtained by gluing two standard slabs together. Applications: - Back up for dense or insulating refractory products, in the following industries (among others).
- Galvanisation
- Cement works
- Furnaces
- Stoves and driers
- Glass works (lehrs, feeders, regenerators)
- Aluminium: electrolytic reduction cells (Cerablok 800 and 1000)
- Petrochemical industry (Cerablok 800 and 1000)Information provided by Morgan Advanced Materials