Description: Kraton D4153 E is an oil-extended linear block copolymer based on styrene and butadiene with bound styrene in the neat polymer of 35% mass. It contains 40 phr paraffinic oil which is classified as not hazardous. Information on the CAS and EINECS registry numbers of the paraffinic oil used for this grade is available on request. The product is supplied from Europe in the physical form identified: Kraton D4153 ES - supplied as porous pellets dusted with an amorphous silica Kraton D4153 ESM - supplied as powder dusted with an amorphous silicaRegion: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Japan, and South America Uses: Kraton D4153 E is used in formulating compounds for footwear, technical and general purpose applications. It can also be used in formulating adhesives, sealants and coatings and as a modifier of bitumen. Applications: Adhesives, Sealant and Coatings; Bitumen Modification; Compounding and Personal Hygiene; Footwear; Impact Modification; and Roads and Roofing Information provided by Kraton® |