Aircraft interiors, match OEM color standards Radel® R-7159 polyphenylsulfone (PPSU) was developed specifically for aircraft interior applications. The product complies with the FAA regulation 14CFR Part 25 Appendix F, offering vertical burn resistance, very low smoke generation and, through the use of proprietary additives, low heat release values in the Ohio State University (OSU) rate of heat release method. It also generates low flaming-mode toxic gas emissions. The material offers good resistance to most fluids found in the aviation industry. It is available in pigmented grades to match OEM color standards and in a natural-color grade that is designed to accept aircraft paint systems for aesthetic parts. Painting enhances the chemical resistance of the polymer and provides the final step in color coordination. - Natural: Radel® R-7159 NT 50 - Black: Radel® R-7159 BK 937 Applications: Aerospace Applications; Aircraft Applications; Aircraft Interiors Features: Chemical Resistant; Detergent Resistant; Flame Retardant; Good Processing Stability; Good Toughness; High Flow; Low Smoke Emission; Low Toxicity; Paintable OSU Peak Heat Release Rate - FAR 25, AppF < 55.0 kW/m²; OSU Total Heat Release - FAR 25, AppF < 20.0 kW·min/m²; Smoke Density - FAR 25, AppF < 5.0 Ds; Toxic Gas Emissions - BSS 7239/ATS 1000/ABD 0031 < 10 ppm; Toxic Gas Emissions - BSS 7239/ATS 1000/ABD 0031 < 1 ppm; Toxic Gas Emissions - BSS 7239/ATS 1000/ABD 0031 < 1 ppm; Toxic Gas Emissions - BSS 7239/ATS 1000/ABD 0031 < 1 ppm; Toxic Gas Emissions - BSS 7239/ATS 1000/ABD 0031 < 1 ppm; Toxic Gas Emissions - BSS 7239/ATS 1000/ABD 0031 < 1 ppm; Vertical Burn - 60 second - FAR 25.853 No Drip; Vertical Burn - 60 second - FAR 25.853 0.0 sec; Vertical Burn - 60 second - FAR 25.853 < 76.2 mm Information provided by Solvay Specialty Polymers. |