SH-0150 is a high flow acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) grade with good toughness, high impact strength, excellent mechanical and low-temperature properties. Exhibits good processability, vacuum formability, chemical resistance and dimensional stability. This grade is suitable for processing by extrusion. Used in vacuum formed general thin sheets and refrigerator liner sheets. Applications: Parts with significant impact resistance, general sheets. Drying: Drying prior to processing is recommended in a desiccant dehumidifying hopper dryer. An inlet air dew point of -20°F (-29°C) or below is recommended to achieve a moisture content 0.1%. Typical drying conditions are 2 hours at 180° - 190°F (82° - 88°C). Drying for 4 hours at 160° - 170°F (71°-77°C) is also adequate. Information provided by Tabriz Petrochemical Commercial Co. |