Styrene-Butadiene Copolymer Description: Finaprene® is a thermoplastic elastomer type radial styrene-butadiene block copolymer. Thanks to its medium molecular weight, Finaprene® 435 provides excellent mechanical properties and abrasion resistance to the compound along with a good fluidity. Applications: Thanks to its very high crumb porosity Finaprene® 435 is designed for the compounding industry. This crumb shape, along with the medium molecular weight confer a quick and important oil absorption capacity to the polymer and lead to the production of high quality compounds with good MFI. Content of the compound for which the listed properties apply: F484: 150 F435: 0 Oil: 36 GPPS: 20 HIPS: 20 CaCO3: 15 Additional Notes: DIN Abrasion: 220 mm³ Data provided by Total Petrochemicals. Total Petrochemicals includes former Fina and Atofina plastics product lines. |