Product Description: Akroform® DC-60/EPR/P is an organic dialkyl peroxicde chemically identified as dicumyl peroxide dispersed in a polymeric binder. Dicumyl peroxide is used as a cross-linking agent for synthetic and natural elastomers and polyolefins such as polyethylene and ethylene vinyl acetate. This peroxide is noted for its non-blooming characteristic and high reactivity at medium processing (maximum safe processing temperature is about 130°C) and curing temperatures (optimum curing temperature is 165°c +/- 10°C). Applications: Dicumyl peroxide is used as a catalyst for cross-linking any synthetic or natural elastomer or polyolefin that can be cured with peroxides. Due to its half life, this peroxide has an approximate 10hr., 1 hr. and 0.1hr. half live of 120°C, 140°C and 185°C, respectively. In addition, dicumyl peroxide is listed in the CFR: Title “Food and Drugs” part 177.2600, Rubber Articles Intended for Repeated Use. Advantages: Polymer bound or encapsulated dispersions are a proven means of upgrading plant safety, efficiency, quality & raw material control. Akrochem polymer bound or encapsulated chemical dispersions eliminate any irritating dust, as well as other potential hazards in handling powders in the plant. The physical form is easy to handle and weigh accurately. With a dispersion, better uniformity of the mix at lower processing temperatures is possible. Information provided by Akrochem Corporation |