Features PARALUX is produced using an all-hydroprocessing route which transforms the molecular structure of undesirable aromatics into highly desirable saturates. This produces a process oil with superior physical and chemical properties : - lower aromatics result in superior color stability.
- Lower volatility improves efficiency.
- Excellent compatibility with rubber polymers reduces processing headaches.
Applications Because PARALUX is produced by all-hydroprocessing, it has performance properties that surpass most conventional paraffinic process oils and approach or surpass many of the performance characteristics of technical white oils. These advantages include: - Exceptionally low aromatic content
- Better color and UV stability than conventional paraffinic or naphthenic oils
- Almost complete resistance to degradation from ultraviolet discoloration
- Lower volatility results in fewer emissions, so less make-up oil is needed and costs are minimized
- Excellent compatibility with rubber polymers which require paraffinic oils. Only all-hydroprocessed oils can deliver all of these advantages
Chevron ParaLux Process Oils are ideal for use in compounding a wide variety of products, including : - Footwear
- Agricultural Spray
- Furniture Polish
- Textiles
- Wire and Cable insulation
- Adhesives, sealants and coatings
- Polymer modified asphalts
- Asphalt extender
- Automobile interior moldings
- Automotive under hood parts
- Tires, tire whitewalls, tubes, and inner liners
- Insulation
- Gels
- Dielectric Fluids
- Drilling Fluids
- Carpet Underlayment
- Heat transfer fluids
- Foam
- Household products
- Roofing compounds
- Rubber membranes
- Weather Stripping
CPS Number: 240673; MSDS Number: 7022 |