Applications: TU-3 is a n-type organic semiconductor material with long term (year-long) stability in air. And it can be deposited from its solutions to form flexible integrated circuits in either 2D or 3D configurations. This material achieves a high electron mobility of 2.3 cm2 /Vs or more in transistors, making it highly suitable for this application. The mobility of amorphous silicon used in general LCDs and other applications is about 0.5-1cm2 /Vs. Molecular Formula: C52H60N6S4 Synonyms: 4,4'-(2?4s2-Benzo[1,2-c:4,5-c']bis[1,2,5]thiadiazole-4,8-diyldi-5,2-thiophenediyl)bis[2-dodecylbenzonitrile] Alfa Chemistry Materials product group: Semiconductor Manufacturer data sheet |