Applications: Steel pipe coating. Borcoat BB122E-LT is intended to be used as an adhesive in three-layer-PP based anti-corrosion coatings at design temperatures up to 110°C. The product is recommended especially when low design temperatures are expected. Borcoat BB122E-LT is intended to fulfill below mentioned national and international standards and specifications, when appropriate industrial manufacturing standard procedures are applied, a continuous quality system is implemented and when used in combination with a compatible Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) powder and the top-coat material Borcoat BB108E-1199 or EB133E-1199-LT.
Specifications: Borcoat BB122E-LT is expected to meet the applicable requirements included in the below mentioned standards provided it is processed using sound material handling and processing practices as well as appropriate testing procedures. DIN 30678 ISO 21809-1; DNVGL-RP-F106 NF A49-711; Gazprom 2-2.2-178-2007
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Category NotesPlastic