Fiberfrax® Duraboard® products are a family of rigid, high-temperature ceramic fiber boards manufactured in a wet forming process using Fiberfrax alumina-silica fibers and binders. All Duraboard products offer low thermal conductivity, high temperature stability, uniform density, and excellent resistance to thermal shock and chemical attack. Duraboard RG (Refractory Grade) insulation is a cost-effective insulating board manufactured with the specific requirements of the refractory industry in mind. It has a rolled, rigidized surface which gives it a high modulus of rupture and compressive strength as well as high abrasion and hot gas erosion resistance. These properties make Duraboard RG insulation ideally suited for use both as a backup to dense refractories, such as those used in the glass industry, and as a hot face protective layer over blanket linings where the rigidized surface aids in dust supression during both installation and operation Description: A rolled, rigidized surface finish and high MOR give a tough, economic refractory grade product. Information Provided by Unifrax I LLC |