Ceraform 1400 Formula based on Cerachem Fiber. Used for shapes or 1000 x 1000mm boardsCeraform is a vacuum-formed insulating product, made from ceramic fibre (Cerafiber, Cerachem, or Cherachrom, fibres as appropriate), refractory constituents and a small percentage of organic binder. The versatility of the vacuum-forming process facilitates the manufacture not only of simple forms, such as tubes, cones and flat panels, but also of geometrically complex shapes, such as burner blocks, fire bases and kiln-car blocks. Also, the basic process is being continually developed to produce new grades to match new and changing customer requirements. Good cohesive strength, high operating temperature and excellent insulating properties make Ceraform ideally suited to a wide and continually expanding range of industrial applications. Applications: - Riser sleeves for ferrous and non-ferrous molten metals
- Tap-hole cones and launder linings for non-ferrous molten metal’s
- Doors and combustion chamber linings for boilers
- Burner blocks
- Furnace sight holes
- Kiln car blocks
- Ferrules for chimney
- Heating element supports
- Duct and flue linings
- Insulation for domestic appliances
- Pipes insulation
- Fire protection
Information provided by Morgan Advanced Materials |