Product Description: Eastman™ IBIB (Isobutyl Isobutyrate) is an economical retarder solvent that is used in nitrocellulose lacquers, coatings for plastic substrates, and high-solids coatings. It is a slowevaporating solvent with good flow and leveling characteristics, and good blush resistance. It is an economical, urethane grade, active solvent for nitrocellulose. The low surface tension of IBIB is valuable in applications where improved wetting of the substrate is needed. With low water miscibility, IBIB is an excellent retarder solvent for moisture-sensitive coatings such as 2-K polyurethanes. IBIB has high electrical resistance, which is helpful in adjusting the resistivity of coatings applied using electrostatic spray equipment. The chemical substances for this product are listed as Inert Ingredients Permitted for Use in Nonfood Use Pesticide Products under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Application/Uses: - Coatings - Automotive OEM
- Coatings - General Industrial
- Coatings - Industrial Wood
- Coatings - Misc. (Thinners and Purge Solvents)
- Coatings - Transportation
Key Attributes:- 42% biodegradation (28 days)
- Good solvent activity
- High blush resistance
- High electrical resistance
- Inert - Nonfood use
- Low density
- Low MIR value
- Low surface tension
- Low water solubility
- Low-cost retarder solvent
- Non-HAP
- Non-SARA
- REACH compliant
- Slow evaporation rate
- Urethane grade
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