CYCOM 381 AS4 uni-graphite 145FAW epoxy CYCOM® 381 epoxy prepreg is an epoxy prepreg that offers a 250°F (121°C) curing system with high 180°F (82°C)/wet mechanical properties yet has the excellent fatigue and durability necessary for primary structure applications. Features & Benefits: - Excellent 180°F (82°C)/wet properties
- Service temperature to 220°F (104°C)
- Three- to four-fold increases in fatigue life compared to perhaps all conventional 250°F (121°C) curing epoxy prepregs. This increase is the result of a 10 – 15% higher strain endurance limit.
- Inherent toughness provides good durability and compression after impact performance
- Low moisture absorption
- Excellent for vacuum pressure/oven processing
Applications: - Primary and secondary structural aircraft parts requiring 180°F (82°C)/wet retention of properties and/or excellent fatigue behavior
- Components that require good durability and/or low processing temperatures
- Helicopter rotor blades
- Rotating or cycled components
- Co-cured aluminum assemblies/parts
- Doublers
- Propellers
- Composite repair
Information provided by Cytec, subsequently acquired by Solvay. |