BTU-Block products are a family of microporous insulation designed for use in high temperature industrial applications. Microporous insulation is a very high thermal efficiency material which has a thermal conductivity less than that of still air. These materials, consisting of fine diameter heat resistant particles, reinforcement fibers, and high temperature radiation blockers, address the primary modes of heat transfer in a novel way compared to traditional refractories. These components are appropriately sized and configured to create a microporous structure. This structure limits the number and movements of air particles, and creates a material of exceptionally low thermal conductivity. At elevated temperatures, the radiation blockers are employed to minimize radiation heat transfer by again proper sizing and distribution. Features: Extremely low thermal conductivity and heat loss High compressive strength Easily configured to shape Use limit of 1800°F (982°C) Applications: Back-up insulation on high temperature furnaces Commercial ovens Hobby kilns Electric thermal storage units Commercial OEM products Hand held appliances Data recorders Fire barrier in document protection applicationsInformation provided by Thermal Ceramics Data has not been recently verified. Please contact manufacturer for current information. |