MICROSIL Microporous Insulation is an insulation material. Having thermal conductivity an order of magnitude lower than ceramic fiber materials Microsil Microporous Insulation can be an integral part of thousands of thermal management applications with temperatures as high as 950C (1742F). MICROSIL is a combination of ultra-fine silica powders, specially processed refractory oxides and glass reinforcing fibers. Compacted under tons of force to form a light weight yet rigid structure MICROSIL offers maximum insulation in a minimum amount of space, saving weight and energy. Unique to MICROSIL's microporous structure is its low density which minimizes conductive heat transfer and its billions of nano-pockets which block convection and reflect heat energy – like mirrors – back to its source. MICROSIL is nearly immune to thermal shock. It is completely non-combustible in accordance with standard DIN 4102 Class A1 and can be stored indefinitely in dry conditions. MICROSIL's microporous structure is adversely effected by water, oil, alcohol and other liquids. Information provided by Zircar. |