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Elmet Technologies

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Hexcel® HexWeb® HRP/F50 - 4.5 Nonmetallic Flex-Core Honeycomb
Categories: Ceramic; Glass; Glass Fiber; Other Engineering Material; Composite Fibers; Polymer; Thermoset; Phenolic

Material Notes: Designation: Material/Cell Size (cells per lineal foot in W direction)-Density
Hexcel manufactures two types of nonmetallic reinforced plastic HexWeb® Flex-Core®: HexWeb® HRP - Fiberglasses cloth reinforced with a high temperature phenolic resin. This product provides good retention of strength for temperatures up to 350°F.
HexWeb® HRH-10 - NOMEX® aramid paper reinforced with a high temperature phenolic resin. This product provides good retention of strength for temperatures up to 300°F.

Features: Specifically designed for formability; Retains mechanical properties in the curved condition; Offers cost savings for curved panels.
Applications: The HexWeb® Nonmetallic Flex-Core® cell configuration as opposed to the standard hexagonal cell honeycomb provides for exceptional formability into compound curvatures with reduced anticlastic curvature and controlled buckling of cell walls. When formed into tight radii, HexWeb® Nonmetallic Flex-Core® provides higher shear strengths than comparable hexagonal cores of equivalent density. HexWeb® Nonmetallic Flex-Core® applications exist wherever extreme curvature dictates a flexible cell geometry, e.g. radomes, ducts, leading edges of wings and stabilizers.

Vendors: No vendors are listed for this material. Please click here if you are a supplier and would like information on how to add your listing to this material.
Physical PropertiesOriginal ValueComments
Density 4.50 lb/ft³
Mechanical PropertiesOriginal ValueComments
Compressive Yield Strength >= 0.340 ksiBare, min
 0.420 ksiBare, typical
 >= 0.500 ksiStabilized, min
 0.600 ksiStabilized, typical
Shear Modulus 13.0 ksiPlate Shear, W Direction, typical
 25.0 ksiPlate Shear, L Direction, typical
Shear Strength >= 0.100 ksiPlate Shear, W Direction, min
 0.140 ksiPlate Shear, W Direction, typical
 >= 0.200 ksiPlate Shear, L Direction, min
 0.265 ksiPlate Shear, L Direction, typical
Thermal PropertiesOriginal ValueComments
Maximum Service Temperature, Air 350 °F

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PHEXC377 / 98848

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