Physical Properties | Metric | English | Comments |
Density | 7.89 g/cc | 0.285 lb/in³ |
Mechanical Properties | Metric | English | Comments |
Hardness, Brinell | 49 @Load 3000 kg, Temperature 538 °C | 49 @Load 6610 lb, Temperature 1000 °F |
| 83 @Load 3000 kg, Temperature 427 °C | 83 @Load 6610 lb, Temperature 801 °F |
| 137 @Load 3000 kg, Temperature 316 °C | 137 @Load 6610 lb, Temperature 601 °F |
| 144 @Load 3000 kg, Temperature 204 °C | 144 @Load 6610 lb, Temperature 399 °F |
| 157 @Load 3000 kg, Temperature 20.0 °C | 157 @Load 6610 lb, Temperature 68.0 °F |
| 162 @Load 3000 kg, Temperature -29.0 °C | 162 @Load 6610 lb, Temperature -20.2 °F |
| 170 @Load 3000 kg, Temperature -60.0 °C | 170 @Load 6610 lb, Temperature -76.0 °F |
| 186 @Load 3000 kg, Temperature -182 °C | 186 @Load 6610 lb, Temperature -296 °F |
Tensile Strength, Ultimate | 88.0 MPa @Temperature 538 °C | 12800 psi @Temperature 1000 °F |
| 170 MPa @Temperature 427 °C | 24700 psi @Temperature 801 °F |
| 432 MPa @Temperature 316 °C | 62700 psi @Temperature 601 °F |
| 532 MPa @Temperature 204 °C | 77200 psi @Temperature 399 °F |
| 590 MPa @Temperature 20.0 °C | 85600 psi @Temperature 68.0 °F |
| 606 MPa @Temperature -29.0 °C | 87900 psi @Temperature -20.2 °F |
| 611 MPa @Temperature -60.0 °C | 88600 psi @Temperature -76.0 °F |
| 718 MPa @Temperature -182 °C | 104000 psi @Temperature -296 °F |
| 585 MPa @Strain 0.5 % | 84800 psi @Strain 0.5 % |
Tensile Strength, Yield | 71.0 MPa @Strain 0.5 %, Temperature 538 °C | 10300 psi @Strain 0.5 %, Temperature 1000 °F |
| 105 MPa @Strain 0.5 %, Temperature 427 °C | 15200 psi @Strain 0.5 %, Temperature 801 °F |
| 271 MPa @Strain 0.5 %, Temperature 316 °C | 39300 psi @Strain 0.5 %, Temperature 601 °F |
| 298 MPa @Strain 0.5 %, Temperature 204 °C | 43200 psi @Strain 0.5 %, Temperature 399 °F |
| 318 MPa @Strain 0.5 %, Temperature 20.0 °C | 46100 psi @Strain 0.5 %, Temperature 68.0 °F |
| 335 MPa @Strain 0.5 %, Temperature -60.0 °C | 48600 psi @Strain 0.5 %, Temperature -76.0 °F |
| 339 MPa @Strain 0.5 %, Temperature -29.0 °C | 49200 psi @Strain 0.5 %, Temperature -20.2 °F |
| 397 MPa @Strain 0.5 %, Temperature -182 °C | 57600 psi @Strain 0.5 %, Temperature -296 °F |
Elongation at Break | 22 % @Temperature 316 °C | 22 % @Temperature 601 °F |
| 27 % @Temperature 538 °C | 27 % @Temperature 1000 °F |
| 35 % @Temperature 204 °C | 35 % @Temperature 399 °F |
| 42 % @Temperature 20.0 °C | 42 % @Temperature 68.0 °F |
| 44 % @Temperature -29.0 °C | 44 % @Temperature -20.2 °F |
| 45 % @Temperature -60.0 °C | 45 % @Temperature -76.0 °F |
| 50 % @Temperature -182 °C | 50 % @Temperature -296 °F |
| 52 % @Temperature 427 °C | 52 % @Temperature 801 °F |
Reduction of Area | 24 % @Temperature 316 °C | 24 % @Temperature 601 °F |
| 26 % @Temperature 538 °C | 26 % @Temperature 1000 °F |
| 32 % @Temperature 204 °C | 32 % @Temperature 399 °F |
| 41 % @Temperature 427 °C | 41 % @Temperature 801 °F |
| 49 % @Temperature -182 °C | 49 % @Temperature -296 °F |
| 55 % @Temperature -60.0 °C | 55 % @Temperature -76.0 °F |
| 58 % @Temperature -29.0 °C | 58 % @Temperature -20.2 °F |
| 59 % @Temperature 20.0 °C | 59 % @Temperature 68.0 °F |
Modulus of Elasticity | 115 GPa | 16700 ksi |
| 45.0 GPa @Temperature 538 °C | 6530 ksi @Temperature 1000 °F |
| 48.0 GPa @Temperature 427 °C | 6960 ksi @Temperature 801 °F |
| 88.0 GPa @Temperature 316 °C | 12800 ksi @Temperature 601 °F |
| 126 GPa @Temperature 20.0 °C | 18300 ksi @Temperature 68.0 °F |
| 128 GPa @Temperature 204 °C | 18600 ksi @Temperature 399 °F |
| 149 GPa @Temperature -60.0 °C | 21600 ksi @Temperature -76.0 °F |
| 156 GPa @Temperature -182 °C | 22600 ksi @Temperature -296 °F |
| 172 GPa @Temperature -29.0 °C | 24900 ksi @Temperature -20.2 °F |
Poissons Ratio | 0.312 | 0.312 |
Machinability | 20 % | 20 % |
Shear Modulus | 44.0 GPa | 6380 ksi |
Charpy Impact | 41.0 J @Temperature 550 °C | 30.2 ft-lb @Temperature 1020 °F |
| 58.0 J @Temperature 425 °C | 42.8 ft-lb @Temperature 797 °F |
| 85.0 J @Temperature 320 °C | 62.7 ft-lb @Temperature 608 °F |
| 90.0 J @Temperature 200 °C | 66.4 ft-lb @Temperature 392 °F |
| 95.0 J @Temperature -175 °C | 70.1 ft-lb @Temperature -283 °F |
| 104 J @Temperature -50.0 °C | 76.7 ft-lb @Temperature -58.0 °F |
| 106 J @Temperature 0.000 °C | 78.2 ft-lb @Temperature 32.0 °F |
Electrical Properties | Metric | English | Comments |
Electrical Resistivity | 0.0000123 ohm-cm @Temperature 20.0 °C | 0.0000123 ohm-cm @Temperature 68.0 °F |
Thermal Properties | Metric | English | Comments |
CTE, linear | 16.2 µm/m-°C @Temperature 20.0 - 300 °C | 9.00 µin/in-°F @Temperature 68.0 - 572 °F |
Specific Heat Capacity | 0.375 J/g-°C | 0.0896 BTU/lb-°F |
Thermal Conductivity | 56.5 W/m-K | 392 BTU-in/hr-ft²-°F |
Melting Point | 1040 - 1045 °C | 1900 - 1913 °F |
Solidus | 1040 °C | 1900 °F |
Liquidus | 1045 °C | 1913 °F |
Annealing Point | 607.2 - 899 °C | 1125 - 1650 °F |
Processing Properties | Metric | English | Comments |
Processing Temperature | 1010 °C | 1850 °F |
Annealing Temperature | 600 - 900 °C | 1110 - 1650 °F |
Hot-Working Temperature | 800 - 925 °C | 1470 - 1700 °F |
Recrystallization Temperature | 785 - 870 °C | 1450 - 1600 °F |
Component Elements Properties | Metric | English | Comments |
Aluminum, Al | 6.0 - 8.0 % | 6.0 - 8.0 % |
Copper, Cu | 88 - 92.5 % | 88 - 92.5 % |
Iron, Fe | 1.5 - 3.5 % | 1.5 - 3.5 % |
Lead, Pb | <= 0.010 % | <= 0.010 % |
Manganese, Mn | <= 1.0 % | <= 1.0 % |
Other, total | <= 0.50 % | <= 0.50 % |
Phosphorus, P | <= 0.015 % | <= 0.015 % |
Zinc, Zn | <= 0.20 % | <= 0.20 % |