Alloys 81T1-Ni1 and Ni2 are designed for gas-shielded flux cored welding of low alloy steels that require good CVN toughness at subzero temperatures. These alloys are excellent for single and multiple pass welding have a spray-like transfer with very little spatter. The fast freezing slag facilitates welding in all positions and is easily removed. Alloy 81T1-Ni1 is formulated for welding ASTM A572, A302, A588, and A734. These steels are used in the fabrication of transmission poles, light poles, earth moving and mining machinery and offshore platforms. Alloy 81T1-Ni2 is formulated for welding ASTM A572, A575, and A734. The combination of strength and CVN toughness of Ni-2 make it ideal for applications such as offshore platform construction, shipbuilding, earthmoving and mining equipment. Information provided by Universal Wire Works for their line of welding wire and filler metal. |
AWS A5.29 E81T1-Ni2; ASME SFA-5.29 E81T1-Ni2 |