Overview of materials for Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), Extruded
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The world’s leading eCommerce metal and plastics supplier, Online Metals specializes in cut-to-size, small to medium quantity orders, shipped direct to any location. Contact us for custom quotes on Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Copper, Brass and more. Live customer support available at 800-704-2157, or www.onlinemetals.com.
RTP Company – Your Global Compounder of Custom Engineered Thermoplastics. Telephone (800) 433-4787 or (507) 454-6900, or visit www.rtpcompany.com. Engineered plastic compounds providing conductive, structural, wear resistant, flame retardant, elastomeric, and color properties in 60+ resin systems. Zeus Industrial Products – 50 years of industry solutions Zeus produces PTFE extrusions including heat shrink, convoluted tubing, and monofilament. www.zeusinc.com
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