CYCOM® 5250-4 RTM is a true one-part homogeneous BMI resin developed specifically for the resin transfer molding (RTM) process. It reaches very low viscosity during transfer and maintains a low viscosity for several hours, thus providing the maximum capability to fabricate complex parts. Laminates fabricated from CYCOM 5250-4 RTM are capable of service temperatures up to 400°F (204°C), but its toughness and processability make it an ideal material for 180°F (82°C) temperature applications where epoxies are commonly used. CYCOM 5250-4 RTM offers the highest open hole compression (OHC) value of any organic matrix resin while providing the highest level of toughness available in an RTM capable matrix resin. Features & Benefits: - Excellent toughness
- Maximum continuous service temperature up to 400°F (204°C)
- Superior hot/wet properties at 160 to 375°F (71 to190°C)
- Low viscosity during processing
- Low-tack, solid at room temperature provides ease of handling
- Low thermal conductivity
- Versatile cure, can be cured at 400°F (204°C) for 2 hours
- Out-time greater than 60 days at room temperature
- True one-part formulation
- Fully compatible CYCOM 5240-4 RTM low resin content prepregs and CYCOM 782 RTM bindercoated fabrics are available for preform manufacture
Applications: - Wing stabilizer spars
- Fuselage skins and stiffeners
- Low operating temperature, critical load-bearing components
- Engine components
Mechanical properties for composites with 58% fiber volume T650-35-3K-PW carbon fiber fabric, after standard cure + postcure.Information provided by Cytec, subsequently acquired by Solvay. |