Zirconia Felt is a true ceramic textile formed by the unique ZIRCAR process for replicating organic structures in inorganic materials. The zirconia felt structure is a ‘needled felt’ which retains its fibrous nature to 2480°C. The stabilized zirconia composition permits the advantages of fibrous insulations to be extended into temperature regions well above the melting temperatures of siliceous and alumina insulation materials. Zirconia Felt Type ZYF-S.75G is ZYF-100 which has been physically filled with 0.75 grams silica per gram ZYF. This filled product retains some flexibility. Features: - Low Thermal Conductivity
- High Porosity
- High Purity
- Extreme High Temperature Stability
- Fibers Stabilized with ~10 wt% Yttria
- Custom Fillers and Coatings Available
- Can be Cemented with Zircar Zirconia Cement Type ZR-CEM
- Can be Rigidized with Zircar Zirconia Rigidizer Type ZIR-RIG
- Easily Cut to Size
- Available “Off the Shelf”
Application Information: - This heavy, silica loaded felt is used as a gasket material in molten carbonate fuel cells. When compressed between the sealing surfaces of the fuel cell container ZYF-S.75G forms a barrier that resists attack from the molten carbonate electrolyte.
Information provided by Zircar Zirconia. |