Description: CLC 17-12-2L is one of the basic grade of the stainless steels range. 2% Molybdenum bearing ensures better corrosion resistance than CLC 18-9 L grade, particularly regarding to uniform and localized corrosion. Alloy CLC 17-12-2L is an austenitic microstructure grade, free of deleterious carbide precipitations in grain boundaries. The grade contains some residual ferrite (approx. 3%) after solution annealing (1050-1150°C – 1922-2102°F) and water quenching. Chemistry and heat treatments may be optimized in order to control the ferrite content. The CLC 17-2-2L steel resists to wet atmosphere or room temperature solutions containing some chloride or fluoride additions. The steel is not seawater resistant. The alloy may be used in diluted sulphuric acids at low temperature (= 330°C - 626°F) as well as in sour organic solutions. The grade is also well known for its higher ductility, particularly when considering cold forming. Information provided by manufacturer. |
EURONORM 1.4404 X2CrNiMo 17.12.2, AFNOR Z3 CND 17-11-02, DIN W1.4404, ASTM A 240 TP 316L, UNS S31603 |