Description sulfuric Acid is a colorless, clear to hazy, odorless, oily-looking liquid. It is very corrosive. Complies with Federal Specification A-A-55828, Type I, Class 2 and Type II, Class 2. Formula: H2SO4 (in aqueous solution) Nomenclature: Sulfuric Acid, Oil of Vitriol CAS: 7664-93-9 CAS Index: Sulfuric Acid Available in: North America Uses: Applications where a clear product is important in Agricultural, Chemical, Metals, Petroleum, Textiles, Water Treatment and other processes. Agriculture: In the manufacture of fertilizers; Chemical: As an oxidizing and dehydrating agent; Explosives: In the manufacture of explosives; Metallurgy: In the treatment of metals; Petroleum: In the purification of petroleum; Textiles: In the manufacture of dyestuffs; and Water Treatment: For pH control. Information provided by Rhodia, Rhodia has been acquired by Solvay. |