Overview of materials for Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Copolymer (EVA), Adhesive/Sealant Grade
Categories: Polymer; Thermoplastic; Ethylene Vinyl Acetate; Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Copolymer (EVA), Adhesive/Sealant Grade

Material Notes: This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Copolymer (EVA), Adhesive/Sealant Grade". Each property range of values reported is minimum and maximum values of appropriate MatWeb entries. The comments report the average value, and number of data points used to calculate the average. The values are not necessarily typical of any specific grade, especially less common values and those that can be most affected by additives or processing methods.

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Physical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Density 0.914 - 0.980 g/cc0.0330 - 0.0354 lb/in³Average value: 0.944 g/cc Grade Count:101
Viscosity 140 - 40000 cP
@Temperature 121 - 190 °C
140 - 40000 cP
@Temperature 250 - 374 °F
Average value: 495000 cP Grade Count:42
 300000 - 1.90e+6 cP
@Temperature 190 - 190 °C
300000 - 1.90e+6 cP
@Temperature 374 - 374 °F
Average value: 495000 cP Grade Count:22
 300000 - 1.90e+6 cP
@Shear Rate 50.0 - 50.0 1/s
300000 - 1.90e+6 cP
@Shear Rate 50.0 - 50.0 1/s
Average value: 495000 cP Grade Count:22
Environmental Stress Crack Resistance  >= 300 hour
@Temperature 50.0 - 50.0 °C
>= 300 hour
@Temperature 122 - 122 °F
Average value: 300 hour Grade Count:3
 >= 300 hour
@Thickness 2.00 - 2.00 mm
>= 300 hour
@Thickness 0.0787 - 0.0787 in
Average value: 300 hour Grade Count:3
Vinyl Acetate Content 17.0 - 44.0 %17.0 - 44.0 %Average value: 26.8 % Grade Count:50
Melt Flow 0.550 - 900 g/10 min0.550 - 900 g/10 minAverage value: 123 g/10 min Grade Count:98
Mechanical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Hardness, Shore A 40.0 - 90.040.0 - 90.0Average value: 72.6 Grade Count:52
Hardness, Shore D 14.0 - 39.014.0 - 39.0Average value: 23.5 Grade Count:35
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 1.50 - 27.0 MPa218 - 3920 psiAverage value: 6.34 MPa Grade Count:59
Tensile Strength, Yield 2.70 - 6.50 MPa392 - 943 psiAverage value: 4.82 MPa Grade Count:4
Film Elongation at Break, MD 300 - 800 %300 - 800 %Average value: 491 % Grade Count:10
Film Elongation at Break, TD 460 - 950 %460 - 950 %Average value: 747 % Grade Count:9
Elongation at Break 50.0 - 1300 %50.0 - 1300 %Average value: 626 % Grade Count:56
Modulus of Elasticity 0.00300 - 0.100 GPa0.435 - 14.5 ksiAverage value: 0.0677 GPa Grade Count:3
Flexural Modulus 0.00440 - 0.0427 GPa0.638 - 6.20 ksiAverage value: 0.0225 GPa Grade Count:34
Secant Modulus, MD 0.0469 - 0.145 GPa6.80 - 21.0 ksiAverage value: 0.0846 GPa Grade Count:8
Secant Modulus, TD 0.0503 - 0.179 GPa7.30 - 26.0 ksiAverage value: 0.0984 GPa Grade Count:8
Dart Drop, Total Energy 24.4048 - 24.4048 J
@Temperature -40.0 - -40.0 °C
18.0000 - 18.0000 ft-lb
@Temperature -40.0 - -40.0 °F
Average value: 24.4 J Grade Count:1
Dart Drop 4.92 - 23.6 g/micron125 - 600 g/milAverage value: 10.8 g/micron Grade Count:7
Seal Strength 1200 - 4500 g/25 mm1200 - 4500 g/inAverage value: 2860 g/25 mm Grade Count:4
Film Tensile Strength at Break, MD 7.58 - 31.7 MPa1100 - 4600 psiAverage value: 24.4 MPa Grade Count:10
Film Tensile Strength at Break, TD 15.9 - 31.0 MPa2300 - 4500 psiAverage value: 23.7 MPa Grade Count:9
Thermal PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Melting Point 48.0 - 112 °C118 - 234 °FAverage value: 75.6 °C Grade Count:100
Maximum Service Temperature, Air 51.7 - 78.9 °C125 - 174 °FAverage value: 68.2 °C Grade Count:29
Vicat Softening Point 37.8 - 95.0 °C100 - 203 °FAverage value: 54.9 °C Grade Count:77
Minimum Service Temperature, Air -45.6 - -17.8 °C-50.0 - 0.000 °FAverage value: -28.9 °C Grade Count:29
Ring & Ball Softening Point 76.0 - 183 °C169 - 361 °FAverage value: 110 °C Grade Count:27
Optical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Haze 0.800 - 4.50 %0.800 - 4.50 %Average value: 2.89 % Grade Count:8
Gloss 72.0 - 90.0 %72.0 - 90.0 %Average value: 79.5 % Grade Count:8
Transmission, Visible 80.0 - 90.0 %80.0 - 90.0 %Average value: 83.3 % Grade Count:3
Processing PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Processing Temperature 200 - 315 °C392 - 599 °FAverage value: 235 °C Grade Count:42
Nozzle Temperature 185 - 275 °C365 - 527 °FAverage value: 234 °C Grade Count:22
Adapter Temperature 185 - 285 °C365 - 545 °FAverage value: 224 °C Grade Count:4
Die Temperature 185 - 285 °C365 - 545 °FAverage value: 224 °C Grade Count:4
Melt Temperature 150 - 305 °C302 - 581 °FAverage value: 207 °C Grade Count:17
Pot Life 0.0833 - 1.00 min0.0833 - 1.00 minAverage value: 0.449 min Grade Count:29

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