ZRCI ALUMINA COAT is an all-alumina liquid formulation used for hardening and increasing the refractoriness of the surfaces of alumina and alumina-silicate fiber products. ZRCI ALUMINA COAT is composed of high purity aluminum oxide in a water base. Hardening of the surfaces of blanket and felt insulation improves the resistance to erosion by high velocity gases and reduces the permeability of gases. The tendency of flame burn-through of low density ceramic fiber insulation in many cases can be prevented by a coating of ZRCI ALUMINA COAT. Ceramic papers, including alumina and alumina-silica paper can be rigidized with the liquid. Strong laminated tubes or complex shapes can be built up from saturated paper. Treated materials are ready for use as soon as they become dry. Information provided by ZIRCAR Refractory Composites, Inc. (ZRCI) |