Product Description: Continuum™ DGDA-2420 YL2 Bimodal Polyethylene Resin is produced using Unipol™ II process technology. This product is formulated with UV stabilizers for outdoor storage. This product may be utilized for pipe applications where long-term hydrostatic strength combined with outstanding resistance to slow crack growth and rapid crack propagation is desired. Suitable applications include natural gas distribution pipes. Industrial Standards Compliance:ASTM D 3350: cell classification:- Natural – PE277370D
- Yellow – PE277373E (Note A)
- NSF International: Standard 14
- Canadian Standards Association (CSA): B137.4 – PE2708 PLUS
- Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI):
- ASTM PE 2708 pipe grade – 1250 psi HDB at 73°F, 800 psi HDS at 73°F, and 1000 psi HDB at 140°F
NOTES: (A) The first 5 numbers of the cell classification are based on natural resin. The last number and letter are based on yellow resin. (natural resin plus 2.0% DFDA 0022 YL2) Availability: Asia Pacific; Latin America; North America Additive: Antiblock: No; Processing Aid: Yes; Slip: No Agency Ratings: ASTM PE2708; ISO PE 100 Form: Pellets Processing Method: Profile Extrusion Information provided by The Dow Chemical Company |