Sorbothane Polyurethane Damping Material, 30 Durometer
Categories: Polymer; Thermoset; Polyurethane, TS; Thermoset Polyurethane, Elastomer, Unreinforced; Rubber or Thermoset Elastomer (TSE)

Material Notes: Sorbothane® is a thermoset, polyether-based polyurethane viscoelastic material that combines high energy absorption with faultless memory. Sorbothane turns mechanical energy into heat. As the material is deformed, the friction created at the molecular level is generated into heat. High hysteresis is then formed. The energy is moved perpendicularly away from its original plane and is pushed close to 90° out of phase from its original disturbing force.

Sorbothane is used in shock/vibration mounts, stud mounts, and grommets/bushings in diverse fields such as electronics/audio equipment, noise abatement, insoles, protective sports gear, and anti-vibration gloves and wraps.

Information provided by Sorbothane Inc

Vendors: No vendors are listed for this material. Please click here if you are a supplier and would like information on how to add your listing to this material.
Physical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Density 1.30 g/cc0.0470 lb/in³
Mechanical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Hardness, Shore OO 3030
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 0.520 MPa75.4 psi500 mm/min; ASTM D412 80
Tensile Stress at Strain 0.110 MPa
@Strain 100 %
16.0 psi
@Strain 100 %
ASTM D412 80
Elongation at Break 500 %500 %500 mm/min; ASTM D412 80
100% Modulus 0.0414 MPa
@Strain 100 %
6.00 psi
@Strain 100 %
ASTM D 412-06a
200% Modulus 0.0827 MPa
@Strain 200 %
12.0 psi
@Strain 200 %
ASTM D 412-06a
300% Modulus 0.145 MPa
@Strain 300 %
21.0 psi
@Strain 300 %
ASTM D 412-06a
Compressive Yield Strength 0.300 MPa43.5 psi50% strain; ASTM D575 Method A
 0.0145 MPa
@Strain 20 %
2.10 psi
@Strain 20 %
ASTM D 575-91, Method A
Resilience 1010Lupke rebound test
Rebound 4.0 %4.0 %Resilience Rebound Height. ASTM D 2632-92. Modified for the effects of tackiness
Bulk Modulus 4.50 GPa653 ksi
Coefficient of Friction 3.33.3on polished steel; ASTM D1894
Coefficient of Friction, Static 15.815.8on polished steel; ASTM D1894
Tear Strength Test 17.217.2psi per ASTM 624 with 1 mm nick
Compression Set 9.7 %
@Temperature 20.0 °C,
Time 1800 sec
9.7 %
@Temperature 68.0 °F,
Time 0.500 hour
Electrical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Dielectric Strength 11.1 kV/mm282 kV/inBS 903
Thermal PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
CTE, linear 132 µm/m-°C
@Temperature -50.0 - 100 °C
73.3 µin/in-°F
@Temperature -58.0 - 212 °F
Thermal Conductivity 0.370 W/m-K2.57 BTU-in/hr-ft²-°F
Maximum Service Temperature, Air <= 82.0 °C<= 180 °FOptimum performance range
Minimum Service Temperature, Air >= -29.0 °C>= -20.2 °Foptimum performance range
Glass Transition Temp, Tg -46.0 °C-50.8 °F
Flammability, UL94 V-2V-2
Descriptive Properties
Bacterial ResistanceNo GrowthASTM G 22
Fungal ResistanceNo GrowthASTM G 21-09
Heat AgingStable72 hours at 158°F

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